Aims and outlets

The Master responds to the needs of companies to have modern professionals in ICT and Analytics able to translate information and communication needs into executive projects, dealing with statistics (Data Mining) and producing comprehensible reports starting from a deep knowledge of data and their structure.

In particular this Master, addressed to graduates both in humanistic or social disciplines and in scientific ones, foster the education of professionals for companies that own or process, for the very nature of their business, large amount of data: banks, insurance companies, big manufacturing and services firms, the whole public administration (institutions and services), big commercial chains and sales networks.

Other potentially interested realities are those who must deal with data due to their professional needs: research institutions, foundations, Universities, media, etc.

The Master is therefore aimed at both recent graduates and already employed people that want to update their professional profile by aligning it with the new skills required by the labour market to the skills acquired during the training experience.

Employment outcomes: over 230 students graduated in the previous editions of the Master; most of them currently work in areas related to the Master.

  • COREP - Lungo Dora Siena 100 - Torino - Italia
  • Telefono : +39 011 670.86.14 -

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